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Empowering Education on Tenant Organizing

Workshop Details Coming Soon! Register here.

More information about our Spring Workshop Series:

Across the U.S. our communities are organizing for survival. Joblessness, poverty, hunger, eviction and homelessness have increased dramatically over the last year. Many of us live and work in communities and schools that are suffering. Black, Indigenous and Latinx communities have been hardest hit.

As educators, we cannot ignore this hardship and we must ask ourselves how we can empower our students to aid their communities in this time.

We decided to host this spring workshop series to bring together educators from around the US with leaders in crucial community organizing, so that together we can learn, build resources and connect our classrooms to powerful and important community-led movements for survival.

Upcoming meetings:
April 17th: Empowering Education on Tenant Organizing & Eviction Resistance 
May 15th: Organizing for Community Survival with the Young Lords

Registration required:
Suggested Donation $10 per meeting.

March 20

Empowering Education on Mutual Aid Organizing

May 7

IBWEP Workshop at 4th Teaching History Conference at UC Davis